



“e in out of the sun。 Sit on the porch;” I said; surprised at the frankness of my mand。 “I’ll get you something to eat。” Emotions had a way of getting mixed up these difficult days and I couldn’t trust mine; just as I couldn’t bear the shame…faced look of gratitude in his eyes。 As I climbed the steps to the house; I became angry at myself; at my helplessness; at my empty cupboards; at the unrelenting drought; at the whole damned suffering country。

I sliced a loaf of bread with vicious swipes of the knife; jerked open the ice…box for milk; twisted the lid off a jar of home…made jam; as though my frenzied actions would wipe out the feeling of guilt at offering him so little。 When I carried the food to the porch; I saw the boy near the garden; rinsing his shirt in one of the pails。 I beckoned to him; left him my scanty offering; and returned indoors。

Despite the drawn blinds; the house had trapped the heat and had bee an airless box of yellow light。 My flowered print dress clung to me in wet patches。 On each patch; the faded daisies4 dared to bloom。 I dropped into an armchair and swung my swollen feet up on a hassock。

When the sharp slap of the screen door awakened me; I was startled。

“Mama; where are you?”

I struggled to my feet and found Alice sitting at the kitchen table; her head and shoulders bowed in dejection。

“Mama; Acme Stores are hiring next week。” She raised her head and stared into my face。 “The employment officer said girls would be hired only if they were properly dressed。” Her brown eyes sought confirmation that I understood her statement。 “That means stockings and a decent pair of shoes; Mama; and look at me!” She thrust out her feet in their dusty running shoes。

Instinctively; I glanced at the old felt slippers I wore。 There were no shoes in the house that could meet Acme’s standards; and there was no money to buy a new pair。 My heart ached with the folly of having sent my young one to find work; and I stepped behind her chair to fort her with a hug。

“Honey; we have a whole week to work on it。” I kissed her soft hair; still warm from the sun。 “Maybe something will e our way。”

“That’s what you always say; Mama。 What’s the use of hoping!”

It wasn’t till I began to prepare our meager supper that I remembered the young man; and I went to the porch for my tray。 Had I found him sitting at the old wicker table; as dejected5 as Alice; I suppose I would have kissed the top of his head; too; before sending him on his way。 I sent him a silent wish; instead。 Take care; young man。

All that week the sun continued to scorch the land。 I watered my garden in the cool of the mornings; with each cupful willing the plants to grow and bear fruit。 This morning ritual of mine became my morning prayer。 As I stooped in the garden with my pitiful cups of water; I prayed for Jack and Alice to find work; I prayed for Jack’s safety on the road; I prayed for the forlorn; beaten land; and for the young man who had e and gone and had asked for so little。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享


The week after his stop at my gate; I watered; as usual。 A hot; fitful breeze sent sheets of torn and dirty newspapers scudding across the yard and into the caragana hedge。 Trapped in the branches; the papers flapped and rustled like large alien birds。 As I crossed the yard to gather them up; a flash of white in the mailbox caught my eye。 Jack; I thought immediately; and hurried to the box。

The envelope bore no stamp; no name; and no address; but contained a message penciled on a scrap of brown paper:

To the lady in the garden:

I got a job at a warehouse after you fed me and let me rest。

You helped me feel and look respectable。 Now; let me help you。

Folded within the paper were three one…dollar bills。

I stared at the money in my hand and saw again the young man with tousled hair and dusty shirt。 My lips began to quiver; but this wasn’t the time for crying。 “Alice; honey; please hurry;” I called; as I ran into the house。 “You are going shopping for the best pair of shoes you can find。 You will be the neatest girl in Acme’s lineup tomorrow morning!”

“Mama; are you awake? Are you ready for your birthday dinner?”

I open my eyes and see I am surrounded by the people I love: gentle Alice; now gray and heavy; young Rebecca; vivacious and pretty; and all the others; old and young。

“You were telling yourself a story; weren’t you; Mama?” Alice says; teasing。 “It must have been a happy story; Mama。 You had a smile on your face。”

“It was a beautiful story。”

As I struggle to my feet; Rebecca’s new shoes slide off my lap and fall to the carpet with a soft thud。










赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











