


r that this cut no ice; and that the heart needed something more。 I might by long research have discovered some third term a little les hackneyed than these two; when fate; or some other fostering star; sent me a tawny silky; long…haired cat。

If it be true that nations have the cats they deserve; then the English people deserve well in cats; for there are none so prosperous or so friendly in the world。 But even for an English cat this cat was exceptionally friendly and fine—especially friendly。 It leapt at one graceful bound into my lap; nestled there; put out an engaging right front paw to touch my arm with a pretty timidity by way of introduction; rolled up at me an eye of bright but innocent affection; and then smiled a secret smile of approval。txt电子书分享平台


No man could be so timid after such an approach as not to make some manner of response。 So did I。 I even took the liberty of stroking Amathea (for by that name did I receive this vision); and though I began this gesture in a respectful fashion; after the best models of polite deportment2 with strangers; I was soon lending it some warmth; for I was touched to find that I had a friend; yes; even here; at the ends of the tubes in Southwest 99。 I proceeded (as is right) from caress to speech; and said; “Amathea; most beautiful of cats; why have you deigned to single me out for so much favour? Did you recognize in me a friend to all that breathes; or were you yourself suffering from loneliness (though I take it you are near your own dear home); or is there pity in the hearts of animals as there is in the hearts of some humans? What; then; was your motive? Or am I; indeed; foolish to ask; and not rather to take whatever good es to me in whatever way from the gods?”

To these questions Amathea answered with a loud purring noise; expressing with closed eyes of ecstasy her delight in the encounter。

“You will never leave me; Amathea;” I said。 “I will respect your sleep and we will sit here together through all uncounted time; I holding you in my arms and you dreaming of the fields of Paradise。 Nor shall anything part us; Amathea; you are my cat and I am your human。 Now and onwards into the fullness of peace。”

Then it was that Amathea lifted herself once more; and with delicate; discreet; unweighted movement of perfect limbs leapt lightly to the floor as lovely as a wave。 She walked slowly away from me without so much as looking back over her shoulder; she had another purpose in her mind; and as she so gracefully and so majestically neared the door which she was seeking; a short; unpleasant man standing at the bar said; “Puss; Puss; Puss!” and stooped to scratch her gently behind the ear。 With what a wealth of singular affection; pure and profound; did she not gaze up at him; and then rub herself against his leg in token and external expression of a sacramental friendship that should never die。











“是的,” 艾米回答说,“奶奶告诉我,只要我装作一点也不惧怕,假装道森先生正在对我绽露他看不见的微笑,同时我也冲他微笑,他迟早会绽露出真正的笑容。奶奶说微笑是可以传染的。”


An Invisible Smile


M。 Dawson was an old grouch1; and everyone in town knew it。 Kids dared not to go into his yard to pick a yummy apple; because Dawson; they said; would e after you with his BB gun。

When; one Friday; Janet and Amy got close enough to his house;  Dawson looked up with his usual frown。 But when he saw it was Amy; he put on a broad smile and said; “Hello!Miss Amy。 I see you’ve got a little friend today。 ”

Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to music and play games。 Dawson told them that sounded fun; and offered them each a fresh apple picked off his tree。 They gladly accepted—Dawson had the best apple in town。

When they got out of Dawson’s earshot2; Janet asked; “Everyone says he’s the meanest man in town。 How e he was so nice to us?”

Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house he wasn’t very friendly and she was afraid of him; but she pretended he was wearing an invisible smile and so she always smiled back at him。 It took a while; but one day he half…smiled back at her。

After some more time; he started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her; just a“hello”at first; and then more。 She said he always offers her an apple now; and is always very kind。

“An invisible smile?”questioned Janet。

“Yes; ”answered Amy; “my grandma told me that if I pretended I wasn’t afraid and pretended he was wearing an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at him; that sooner or later he really would smile。 Grandma says smiles are contagious3。 ”

If we remember what Amy’s grandma said; that everyone wears all invisible smile; we too will find that most people can’t resist our smile after a while。 All it takes to uplift the day is to remember to give that smile away!You can’t save them; you can’t store them。 The only way they are any good is to share。 Giving a smile away takes so little effort and time。  Let’s make sure that we are not the one that others have to pretend is wearing an invisible smile。























赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...